Tuesday, June 23, 2015

37 Weeks

Technically, 37 weeks 3 days, but you know that by now. Which means that Tater Baby is officially full term and could healthily arrive at any moment (please keep cooking till Daddy takes his boards on Friday) amen.

Due to the blood pressure, we got another ultrasound this week, which is fine by me! But it's getting harder and harder to not just ask what our Tater Baby is! It's easy when you aren't having an ultrasound every week, but now that we are, it's the ultimate in self control (that and the two pints of uneaten Ben & Jerry's in my freezer).

This week, my blood pressure was down from last week, and guess who lost 2 pounds? This girl! But no worries, Tater Baby is right on track. He/she is measuring in the 77th percentile for size and technically still has 2.5 more weeks to grow.  Keep on keeping on!

The doctor told me I'm already a great mama because it seems like my body plans on hanging onto this baby for as long as possible. Hooray for a healthy pregnancy, baby, and mama!

Check this out:
That is the perfectly large foot of our Tater Baby, with 5 toes. These feet are currently residing in my ribs and making their presence known. 

And now, the 37 week photo:
Decided it was time to include the man behind the belly; even though he protested slightly :)

And since we've changed hospitals, they are a bit different from our previous hospital, and we just had to pay a hefty down payment, to let them know we are serious about having this kid there.
#OurPocketBookisCrying :( At least our insurance is footing 80% of the bill (so they say). I wonder if this kid arrives while on the way to hospital if they will refund us that money?!

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