Tuesday, June 16, 2015

36 Weeks

Technically today we are 36 weeks 3 days pregnant, but I had to wait for our weekly doctor's appointment so I could share the details this week.

No one knows this (sorry mama) but we had to have another ultrasound this week (biophysical profile) due to my blood pressure. We didn't want to worry family, so we didn't tell them! It's a little high, but nothing to worry about. I had a high reading back around 24 or 25 weeks, and since then, I've been steady at about 130/80. I realize it's still high, but not enough to cause concern.

Having to do the ultrasound was great, but also extremely hard, since we don't know what our Tater Baby is. We told the tech up front and she politely said she wouldn't use any pronouns and wouldn't show us baby's business. It's still a mystery! Tater Baby was not cooperative at all, but everything looks good.

Baby is measuring a week ahead and already weighs in at about 7 pounds. Is it too late to consider a C-Section? :) Baby is also head down. Way way down. I've definitely adopted the pregnancy waddle, and I do it with pride.

Our sweet Tater Baby has a sweet snub nose and looks pretty upset with us...the tech kept poking/prodding the poor thing! And this is the best shot we got.

All in all, Tater Baby is perfect!

In related news, we got some interesting information today. Apparently, my insurance company is not cooperating at all with my doctor's office and have now changed my preferred hospital from Baptist to Methodist. If you live in Memphis, you know that Methodist has a GREAT reputation when it comes to delivering babies, so even though it's a huge inconvenience to redo paperwork, we are blessed to be delivering at an amazing hospital! The bigger perk? Tay knows and has worked with half of the anesthesia staff and we have a really good friend there who is a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. Inconvenienced by paperwork? Yes. Excited to be delivering at a place we are both more familiar with and know more people on staff? Words cannot even describe.

Our goal is to keep this baby cooking until at least June 26, when Tay takes his boards. Everybody jump on the prayer train that Tater Baby keeps on cooking!

And, of course, the 36 week 3 day photo, with my fur baby included:

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