Sunday, June 7, 2015

35 Weeks

I guess since my doctor's appointments are now on a weekly basis, the baby updates should be too.
We are in the homestretch now and it sure feels like it.

Even though my weight gain is on track, my joints are not used to supporting the extra weight and every inch of my body aches...the only relief is a swimming pool. I become a semi weightless individual and it's glorious, man am I thankful for relatives that allow us to come by and use their pool anytime?! Without judgment? It's marvelous.

I am swelling, but only slightly and normally it's only at the end of the day, so I'm lucky to not have cankles, not yet anyway.

Stretch marks. Ok, let's go there. The minute we found out we were expecting, we started the lotion routine, daily. Then it got to the point where I couldn't do it alone and so my Tay stepped in to help. Early on, stretch marks were no where to be seen...Then, one day, my boobs grew about 3 sizes over the weekend and were littered with stretch marks. Really? Really? Now, they have started to dissipate, but around week 32 I noticed two stretch marks on my lower abdomen. Damn. And we were doing so good! I'm honestly not vain enough to care about stretch marks, I am just proud that my body was doing what is was supposed to, without those awesome lines appearing.

Sleep is on a limited basis. When I sleep, I sleep great. Earthquakes and trains couldn't wake me, but one thing bladder! I'm woken up about every 45 minutes to an hour. The perk? I can fall easily right back to sleep, but getting up about 9-10 times a night is taxing, especially on these joints that are having a hard time supporting my growing frame! 

My mood is great. Taylor says I need to be pregnant all the time because it makes me so happy.  I tell him I think all of these great things happening for us make me happy, and Tater Baby is just the icing on that cake.

Some people are not liking my honesty while pregnant and blame it on the hormones (wrong thing to say to a pregnant lady folks!), but I'm thinking of being more honest full time; not to the point to intentionally hurt anyone's feelings, but to the point where I don't feel like I'm being walked over or ignored. Pregnant or not, some folks are just downright rude!

Heartburn comes and goes. Wait, let's be honest, heartburn never leaves, I've just learned to cope with it. And always have some Tums handy. And everything leads to heartburn. I have to completely avoid onions now and it's heartbreaking. I love a good cheeseburger with onions. My pregnant self, not so much.

Cravings are nothing out of the ordinary. In the first trimester, I lived on pickles and pizza, the only two things I could keep down. I haven't had either since the first trimester because now they both make me sick!  Now all I want are fresh salads with great homemade dressings, real homemade fried chicken, and milkshakes. Lots and lots of milkshakes. 

I know all this sounds like complaints, but I promised myself I would keep this as honest as possible. I'm lucky. Even though I have had a plethora of awesome pregnancy symptoms (vomiting - first and third trimester, nosebleeds, congestion, sciatic pain, etc...) it could have been a lot worse, Tay and I both are very thankful for an uneventful pregnancy, thus far.  And for a healthy Tater Baby. And God bless him for helping me get into bed, get out of bed, get off the couch, get out of the tub, etc...The man is a saint, sorta :)

And there's no picture this week. I do apologize, but we were a bit too busy buying a house and trying to get our ducks in a row before he takes the boards and before Tater Baby arrives...maybe next week I'll feel up to the picture!

For now, I'll share this one photo from my baby shower that my great group of friends threw for our Tater Baby...God bless these ladies and their companionship and their humor.

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