
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Birth Plan

I've said it a million times and if I have to repeat myself, I will. I am a planner. Deal with it.
Once we realized that we were actually going to be parents (it's still strange that we will be responsible for another human life), I started talking to friends and co-workers and enlisting Google to answer my questions and offer some insight into labor and delivery. I knew the check into the hospital and come out with a cute squishy newborn. That's all there is to it, right? :)

I've learned that having a birth plan is basically setting you up for failure. The more you wish to control during labor and delivery, the less you actually have control over. If you are one of those crunchy earth mother types who plans on having a non-medicated water birth with Kenny G playing in the background surrounded by your whole family, then more power to you sister.

So, after much deliberation and research here's a look at our birth plan:

Obviously, we would prefer for Tater Baby to arrive the old fashioned way, but sometimes things happen beyond our control and a c-section would be the next option. We are not opposed, and understand that sometimes it really is the best option for baby and mama.

As far as pain relief goes, hell to the yes, sign me up! I do not have anything to prove by showing that I can deliver a baby naturally without any medication. If that's something you are interested in or have done, congrats, this soon to be mama will be asking for her drugs :)

Who is in the room during delivery? Tater. My Tater. My dear sweet Tater. The guy who put me in my current position. My person.

Will Tay cut the cord? This hasn't been decided yet. Tay says he will wait until delivery and then make up his mind; which is fine by me. 

Regardless of how anything happens, the end result is the same: a squishy newborn that is the best of me and Tater.

Now, only 8 weeks and a few days left until we see if our Tater Baby is a he or she?
And then comes the challenge of officially naming our Tater Baby, something we both are looking forward to.

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