Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Kiker {Mississippi Delta Wedding Photography}

When Leona first contacted me about her outdoor April wedding, I was slightly panicked. The weather in the Delta is unpredictable all the time, but even more so in the Spring. I was obsessively checking the weather almost hourly throughout the week and saying silent prayers that the weather would cooperate with us; not just from a photographic standpoint, but what bride wants a rainy outdoor wedding? Not many!

Luckily, the weather cooperated. Thank the Lord! It was actually a bit hotter than we all expected, but overall there was a nice steady breeze and we just could not have asked for a better day.

I wasn't supposed to arrive until 3:00, but my nerves got the best of me, and I arrived at 2:00 - and promptly started photographing everything. Every single little detail was thought of and executed perfectly; some at the last minute :)

Every wedding is different. And every wedding is perfect. This wedding was a Delta dream. Held in the backyard of a family member, with the sun shining through the trees creating totally awesome shadows throughout the ceremony. It was perfectly dreamy and beautiful.

 Their first kiss as husband and wife.
And both were grinning from ear to ear!

 Wedding cake and cupcakes?! 

 The little one's kept themselves occupied by singing "Let it Go" from Frozen. And dancing.

 Daddy and daughter both looking so happy.

 In love with the shadows that this ginormous tree cast during the ceremony.

A peacock watermelon?! And a fruit bar?!
There sure are some talented folks in this family!

The newlyweds are off on a week long trip to Florida to soak up some sun and sand.

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