
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Crescent Hotel

Or the Inn on the Hill.
Or the most haunted hotel in America.

Regardless of what you call it, it's a pretty amazing place.

I won't bore you with the full blown history of the Crescent, but I will give you a brief synopsis.
Hotel was built for rich and famous and only kept open a few months of the year. Bills couldn't be paid, hotel went bust. Hotel was turned into a 'college for young women.' Again, things went bad.

Insert Norman Baker. If you don't know who he was, please get out more or read a book.
Norman Baker was (not) a doctor, but a con-artist. And a good one. He bought the Crescent Hotel and turned it into a hospital that treated cancer. He made a living off of giving families false hope in saying that he had the cure for cancer. He, in fact, did not.

Anywho, Norman Baker finally gets busted. Not for lying, but for mail fraud. He would sign documents as Dr. Baker...ergo, mail fraud. In the end, karma bit Norman Baker straight in the ass and he died of cancer.

The only thing that Norman (totally thinking of re-naming our dog now) Baker did was turn Eureka Springs, AR into a boom town. People would flock there for their spring water that could cure all sorts of ailments and for the cancer hospital.

Once the hospital closed, the hotel went from person to person to person, but no one could make a profit. Insert a husband and wife. Bought the hotel, turned things around and here the ole Inn on the Hill is a booming.

The hotel is booked solid months in advance (at least from my Googling), ghost tours are conducted every weekend, wedding, and celebrations are taking place...the Crescent is booming.

We paid $20 a person to do the ghost tour. While on the ghost tour, nothing happened. We listened to the stories, snapped photos, got locked in a MORGUE, snapped more photos...nothing.

I told Tay, let's not review them until we get home and can pull them up on the computer. Deal.

We reviewed and reviewed and reviewed some more, no ghosts. No orbs. No nothing out of the ordinary. Tay and I are not really "believers" but we do believe in having an open mind and really enjoy watching Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures and everything in between.

We were hoping for at least one photo of the 125 I took to have something unexplained in it. No such luck. Sorry guys!

But, I did a bit of googling and found a few photos.

These are the only decent photos I could find online. With the first photo, I stood in that exact same hallway and snapped the exact same photos and had nothing show up. Nothing! And with the second photo, after being the bar/lounge area, that could easily be a reflection of a person standing inside the bar.

I thought you would easily be able to find photos of the Crescent Hotel, but it's hard. Most photos can be explained and others are just horrible quality.

Regardless of what you believe, I still think visiting the Crescent would not disappoint. We are planning on staying there eventually and may even request a haunted room!

If you want to see some actual video, check out Ghost Hunters when they toured the Crescent.

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