Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Post Without A Title

This post shall remain nameless because as I try and search to come up with an appropiate title, nothing comes to mind. So, A Post Without A Title it is.

Due to the circumstances of this post, everyone shall remain nameless.

Y'all all know that when I take photos, I post a small snippet on Facebook as a preview, right?
And you also know that I OWN the photos. They are mine. If you are a client, I grant you unlimited printing of said photos, but they are mine and will continue to be. Which means I can do with them as I wish.

By the way, that isn't much. It just means that I post them on Facebook and the blog.
As a photographer, it's how you gain more business. You take more photos, post more photos, and in turn, gain more clients - and the cycle repeats. It's free publicity.

One of the subjects from a recent photo shoot (not the client, mind you) - just an innocent person in the photo (AKA NOT the person who paid me), a familial bystander, if you will, deemed it necessary to call and berate me today. Absolutely berate me. Basically borderline 4-letter word me. While I'm at work. At my job that pays the bill real job.
And then accused me of causing "marital strife" (words beyond his comprehension I'm sure) with his spouse. Blaming me and saying posting one photo on Facebook will cause a divorce??
I politely (while smiling actually) told the person, "Sir, if one family photo on Facebook is going to cause you to get divorced, you obviously have much deeper problems."

**Side note: this individual doesn't even have Facebook**

Before he could say anything, I actually thanked him for calling and hung up before he could try to berate and belittle me anymore.

How exactly did he berate me? He told that he would hunt me down and slit my throat if I didn't take the photo down. The photo was taken down hours BEFORE HE CALLED!  I know he's not serious  about hunting me down (I'm hope so!)  and slitting my throat, but really? That just proved to me that there are some folks out there who just like to rattle others and make them feel like horse poo. I understand that in order to feel good about yourself you have to act an ass to others. I feel very sorry for your family, sir. I wish that you could be as happy as my family.

Guess what not so kind sir? I am not phased by your attitude. Nor will it affect me.
You obviously have some issues that need to be looked into on a much deeper level.
I'm posting this to let folks know that if you want to become a photographer; 99% of the time, it is a fantastic venture: fun and exciting and challenging. And then there's the 1%. They are never satisfied and try to bring you down to their level. Don't let it happen.

So...what was this horrendous photo that got me borderline cussed at during my normal work hours? Just a standard family photo.

Folks, I'm paid to document things. It's what I do.
If you do not want things documented, it's pretty simple: do not contact a photographer or let your family drag you along to a photo shoot. 

So, the big questions...
How do you handle folks like this?
I apologized to the overly rude gentlemen and expressed to him that the photo was removed much earlier and that there was no need to get angry with me. I was polite. I constantly said yes sir.
The moral: don't  let bottom feeders drag you to the bottom. Be polite. And respectful; even though they sometimes don't deserve it. You'll end up the better person.

I am done.
Thanks for listening reading.