Thursday, October 17, 2013

4th Anniversary Y'all


Exactly 4 years ago today, I woke up to an empty house. I drank a cup of coffee alone, threw my hair into a ponytail, gathered a few essentials and headed to Wister Gardens. When I arrived, I unloaded pumpkins, checked on some standard day of details and then headed out to lunch.

A big double cheeseburger with everything + french fries lunch.
I mean, what else is a girl supposed to eat on her wedding day?

Yep, today marks the 4 years of being married to my Tater.

The timeline of me and Tater:
-November 2006 - spot cute boy, ask friends about him, try to get his number...
-January 2007 - after being friends, we decided to make the ever important step into           boyfriend/girlfriend land.
 -January 2009 - Tater proposes!
- October 2009 - We become Mr. and Mrs.

Insert proposal story here: I wanted Tater to propose for the longest time. I knew that he was going to be my husband, but I had to wait and wait for him to decide to grow a pair and propose!
(I mean that with love dear!) All around me, I watched girls get proposed to and of course, became the jealous angry monster, "why won't you propose?!" I'd like to say that didn't last long, but it did, I wanted to marry Tater. Screw the ring and the ceremony and all the crap, I just wanted to marry him.
My sweet Tater proposed to be on the beach late on a foggy night. We were walking and chatting and I had no clue. He then says, "I have something for you. You're my best friend..." I use the etc. mark here because I honestly don't remember what else he said. Not from not loving him, but out of uncontrollable sobbing and sniffling and panicking about him dropping the ring in the sand!

After the proposal, we went back to the beach house where my fiance cooked some steaks.
We ate and talked and talked about plans and ate some more. After the eating and the cleaning, he looks at me with his blue/green eyes (seriously they change daily!) and says, lovingly of course, "Since I proposed and all, can we sit down and watch 'Hunt for Red October?'" I told that boy he could do anything he wanted! And now, on or near our anniversary, we make it a point to watch 'Hunt for Red October.' I'd never seen it, and he swore it was amazing. I'll say, Tater can pick movies.

Leading up to the wedding, pretty much 3 weeks before, it rained every single day. People would ask my backup plan in case it umbrellas? Basically, I didn't have a back up plan. The plan was to marry Tater; rain, snow, shine, sleet, hail, whatever the conditions, at 6:00PM we would be married.

October 17 was a glorious day. A few clouds, no rain, and chilly. But, in the end, I got what I wanted. Tater was my husband.

Today is 4 years of marriage. In that time, we have moved 5+ times!! From Indianola to Atlanta to several different houses in the Memphis area. He have acquired more hand me down furniture than we know what to do with, bought a fat puppy that we love to death, and have debated and debated and debated on the whole 'having a kid' thing.

I have to say, these 4 years have been pretty damn good. The only downfall is the school/working-two-jobs thing. We are both always so busy. The minute we each think we have a break, an email or phone call will happen and work/school stuff builds up. We are NOT patiently waiting for the whole school thing to be over so we can move on. And maybe actually buy new furniture and not just receive hand-me-downs from family or from Goodwill.

We have a weekend get-a-way planned for the weekend following our anniversary, but our anniversary itself? We'll both get up and go to work/school like always. Then we'll hit Texas De Brazil for some amazingly overpriced but well worth it steak. And then go home and watch ' Hunt for Red October' :)

And now (finally) some of our anniversary photos. Some were taken with the help of a tripod, others were taken by mama (thank you!!)

And folks, if you're looking for the key to a happy marriage, take a page from The Princess Bride's book..."As you wish."

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