
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The American Dream

For most folks my age, or anyone for that matter, the American Dream is to own a nice home with a white picket fence, a few acres, a working husband, the stay at home wife/mother plus 2.5 kids.

Now, for those of y'all who know me (like really know me) does that sound like me at all?
Don't get me wrong here guys, all of the above sounds amazing, but I'm not that girl.

I know that in a few years, I'll turn into the normal person who covets the stereotypical "American Dream," but for now, my dream is a bit different.

The "normal" American Dream:

Here's my dream:

I want to travel the country in an Airstream with my husband, dog(s), and my not yet existing children.

I want to pull a Chris McCandless other than the dying in the woods alone part :(
By the way, if you haven't read Into the Wild, my bad for ruining it! 

I want to get rid of all of our technology, rip up debit/credit cards, live on cash and travel.
I want to explore. I just don't want to drive to the Grand Canyon and be like Clark W. Griswold; I want to stay and explore and stare and take photos. And stare just a little more. And then travel along to the next place.

Most folks dream of hardwood floors and how many bedrooms/bathrooms do we need. Oh, it's only two of us? We should definitely get the 5 bedroom house, just in case!

My dreams are filled with vintage Airstreams and all kinds of other pull-behind vintage campers. And the Grand Canyon. And Arches National Park. And camping under the stars instead of staying in hotels. And going on hikes instead of hitting Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte and cruising through the mall.

I'm not naive by the way. I understand that traveling the country with a husband, dog(s), and not yet existing children would be an absolute undertaking, but it's one that I'm prepared for. Seriously.

Don't believe me?
Buy me a camper and test me! :)

In a nutshell, this is what I want:


  1. Oh Doo Dah.....Im all in with you on the travel camping and just exploring this country. By all mean.....go for it you would never regret it. But for me I want to have my motorcycle along for those great roads to ride. There is nothing like riding across the Continenal divide on a motorcycle with snow cap mountains all around you. Then to set up your tent at the mouth of the Ark River. Seeing the sunset from the south rim of the Grand Canyon while elk rattle their horns. GO FOR IT........hubby and dog in tow.............Ms Mac

  2. I was pretty much sold on our Grand Adventure out West, but your comment definitely solidified it! When the Hubs graduates from CRNA school (June 2015), we plan to get a small camper and travel out West for about a month or longer. Thanks for the comment - now we know its definitely worth it!!
