
Monday, September 9, 2013

Newborn Sessions

Typical newborn sessions go a little something like this:

- 15 minutes intro and gossip (possibly longer if you know the person well)
- 20 minutes figuring out if we can lay the baby down without him/her crying
- 3-5 minutes of actual shooting
- 10 minutes of soothing
- 45 minutes of feeding, pooping, changing
- 3-5 minutes of shooting
- 10 minutes of soothing
- 10 minutes to pack up and chat

Based on the above numbers, you need to allow at least two hours for a newborn shoot.
And it doesn't matter how prepared the photographer is or how prepared the parents are.
Babies are unpredictable. So are their moods. And their pooping/peeing schedule.
And they will pee on your props.

In my photography career, I've had the pleasure of photographing about 10 newborns.
And I have to say that while the above is somewhat true, for the most part, I've had cooperative newborns and prepared parents.

Babies are fun. And they are only that little for a small amount of time, so it's imperative to document the little things. Little hands, little feet, head full of hair or full on bald baby.

Nothing matters. Other than photographing the baby. 

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