Saturday, September 21, 2013

Free Day!

Today is glorious. Today is the first day off I've had since July 13th. If you can't or just plain aren't good at math, that means that I've worked for 70 consecutive days without so much as a single hour free. Every minute of every day was full of something to do.

Wake up. Go to work. Actually work. Drive home from work. Edit/organize pictures. REPEAT.
Then the weekend would roll around. Friday after work: organize props, charge cameras, gas up the car.

Saturday: drive to destination of photos - (sometimes a 5 hour drive). Shoot photos. Go home. Organize/edit photos. Post preview photos.

Sunday: wake up, make copius amounts of coffee, edit/organize images. REPEAT.

That has been every single day of my life for the past 70 days!
(And folks who are parents - we are not - I know that parents don't get a day off. But I'm not talking about parenting; that's a whole different job!)

This Saturday. No photos! This Saturday will devoted to hitting Starbucks once (or twice or three times), hitting every Goodwill/Salvation Army/Pier 1/whatever I feel like doing day.
And then, of course, Mississippi State football :)

Hooray for a day off!
And then Sunday, off to Greenwood, MS for some engagement photos!

And back to the grind Monday :(

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