
Monday, September 30, 2013

9.28.13 Mini Session Preview

On Saturday, I had the most fun I've had working in a long time. The day started with this sweet little lady. She has the biggest bluest eyes and never sits still. She is a ball of energy and is a super bright 14 month old! She was way to into everything to be concerned with having her picture made!

After some time with a sweet little girl, it was time for boys. And not just any boys, but boys who bring guns, and ropes, and chaps...and a stuffed elephant. I always see their mama posting funny things they said/did on Facebook, so I was beyond excited to meet the guys!
 Just let me say, they did not disappoint. They were everything I imagined them to be!

Then it was time for some mama/son time. Let's just say that son had a massive case of the giggles that could not be contained. Everything was funny to him...everything! And then mama would start giggling...but I think it made the photos more genuine and a lot less staged, so consider me happy.

 Then I got to see this dapper little man. Mama had to work, so daddy and grandmother were the stylists for this shoot. They did not disappoint. He was in the best mood the whole time and looked too darn cute in his little hats!

In the never-ending photo day, there were also some engagement photos. And God bless the bride and hubby to be and parents. They all tagged along ... with props! I always bring along a few props, but they brought more than I could imagine, which made my job that much easier!

And they are getting married early next Summer at Wister Gardens, the same place I was married :)

 More kids photos! I saw these two barreling out of the truck and thought, boys - yay! - let's play.
But the big boys also brought along their girl cousin...who is an absolute doll and who will (one day) kicks these boys butts! :)

Did I mention that after the full photo day at Wister Gardens, I also shot a very small wedding in Indianola that afternoon? And then drove the three hours back home...and killed a bird while driving 80 down some deserted Mississippi highway...Exhausted doesn't begin to cover it! But, I've already started editing all the photos from the Mini Session and am hoping to have them in the mail within the next week!

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