
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Balancing Act

Being a photographer is a wondrous thing. I absolutely enjoy it. Its an amazing thing to actually be able to make money doing something that you love. I honestly never thought it was possible. I'd always heard that if you found a job you loved doing, it wasn't really a job. I never understood that. Until now that is.

The photography side of my life is going great. I'm pretty much booked up until December (only a few dates are free) and already have 3 weddings scheduled for next year. Next year!

But, I still have that whole day job thing as well. I love my real job. Though it does get in the way of photography. I wouldn't trade it though.

The hardest thing about having a full-time job + a photography job is finding time. Time for what? Anything. Just plain time where I'm not worried about getting this done or getting that done.  At my real job, I work approximately 40-50 hours a week. With photography, add another 20-30 hours a week. Then there is student husband, who is just as busy as I am, plus the fat dog.

The Skelton's need just a few more hours a week.
Honestly, who in their right mind decided that we should work Monday-Friday and only have Saturday and Sunday off (even though I'm actually NEVER off!)? I would like to meet this person and hurt them. A lot.

I found this online over the weekend and thought it would be helpful.

But, let's be honest. Taking off two consecutive days? Do you know how much work I could get done in two days? I could easily edit/organize numerous sessions.

Hiring household help? Hi, on a budget. Hiring help would just give me anxiety. I like to clean to my own house thank you. And paying someone to do it just seems silly.

Outsource photo editing? Heavens no! Other than shooting a session, editing is the best part!

Check email twice a day, at designated times. Now that, I could get used to. Since the invention of the 'smart phone' we are all so attached to technology. I feel that if I don't respond to an email the moment I get it, the client or potential client will go elsewhere. I also pride myself on responding to emails/calls/texts in a timely manner. This may be an option that I could get used to!

I like the idea of strict office hours. But let's be honest, I'm not a college professor, should I just tape the hours onto my door? I like that my clients feel that they contact me whenever they want. 
By the way, if it's after 10:30, I'm asleep.
I'll normally respond to those by 8:00 the following day. 

My favorite item listed above though: 'Schedule time for fun and exercise.'
Um, I'm sorry. What?
Schedule time for fun?
Fun is enjoying a six pack while floating down a river.
And exercise? In the same sentence as fun? No way!

Photography is a job that will consume your time and energy.
If you don't think you want that, then don't get started.
I thrive on being stressed and having so many things to do.
Photography is fun for me. I love looking at my calendar and seeing what shoots I have coming up.
Engagements, kids, weddings. I love them all.

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