
Monday, July 1, 2013

Seeking a new assistant, perhaps?

Photography is a hard job.
Lugging a camera and equipment.
Adjusting your settings just right on the camera.
And not to mention all the driving.
Most photographers have assistants.
I do too.
But my assistant is unpaid.
She's my mama.
I pay her in the quality time we spend together, right, mama?
Well, my assistant petered out on me this past weekend.
Check out below.
Now time for the real story behind the photo.
 Every time I come to the Delta for photos, one thing is guaranteed: lunch.
We always try to eat at the Mexican Restaurant in Belzoni, but they are never open 11:00 ish on Saturdays...Los Molcajetes, what's the deal?!
So, when they are closed, we drive to Indianola and eat Chinese. Oh Wah Sings, how I adore your pepper steak. Once we finished our Chinese, mama aka the sitting assistant pictured above, asked if we had time to hit Wal-Mart. Now living in a town without such a luxury is an absolute travesty, and I couldn't be the person who said no to Wal-Mart.
Upon entering Wal-Mart (and donating money to a no-name cause because of the screaming woman camped at the front door) mama, aka the sitting assistant, ventured into the land o books.
Now, as we know, Wal-Mart is not the best place to purchase books, but when you're in a bind, it will suffice. She wanted three, but settled for two.
Once we made it back to our session location, and after I unloaded the props, the assistant politely asked if I would take her photo. We decided it would be funny if we took the photo of her NOT working, but reading under a shade tree.
Pure Southern style.
With corn as a backdrop.
And hence the photo.
And no, I'm not in the market for an assistant.
Unless you also want to be unpaid.

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