
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

House Tour: Part 1

 We have moved.
The new house is turning into a home.
I'm taking it one room at a time.
And noticed I said "I," Tay has no say so, and he knows it.
He just politely moves things when I ask :)

Family has been asking for photos of the new place, and instead of sending out multiple texts and emails, I figured this would be much simpler.

 *Low quality photos below - taken with the phone. I didn't feel like busting out the big guns.*

 The Living Room
AKA the TV wall.
The bookshelf on the left is one that I built it last year.
The bookshelf on the right is identical and was just recently purchased; and built by me.
The actual entertainment center was built by Tater.
And of course, the set up was all me!
Except the Big Lebowski on the TV, that was all Tay.

 To the left of the TV wall is the fireplace.
An actual woodburning fully operational fireplace.
Tay is ecstatic. And cannot wait for winter.

 The decorated mantle.
I thought about putting up one of my bridal portraits above the fireplace - a jumbo one - but then decided I like the idea of Tay's pumpkin picture better, with a smaller bridal portrait of mine.
And of course, some Johnny Cash.

 I actually found this on Facebook.
I 'liked' Walk the Line and they will sporadically put things up.
When this was put up last year (around our anniversary); I promptly printed it, had it framed and gave it to Tay for our anniversary. Now it's prominently displayed on our mantle.

I stupidly packed all of my books, thinking we wouldn't have room for them.
This girl may be going in the attic soon to retrieve them.
And yes, I love pictures.
Especially the photo in the top left corner of this bookcase.
It's my grandparents (Pop and Dee) on their honeymoon.

 The other bookshelf.
Hey look, it actually has some books on it!

 Is it obsessive that I have 5 copies?
And have read each one.
And each time I see one with a new/different cover, I will buy it.
Tay thinks that is strange.
I think not.
Buying books is never wrong.
And, of course, a picture of my twin.

 The dining room, area corner.
This house actually has a large dining area that is separate from the living area, but it's eventually going to be used as my office, so we'll just use the dining corner. 
I mean, it's only the two of us.
And at least the wall is cute.

 This beautiful Delta sunset is painted on an old window from a great artist in Belzoni.
Mama actually bought it for me a while ago, and I've just been hanging on to it, wondering where to put it. Well, in the new house, I found a spot. Above the kitchen sink.
And when the light hits it, yeah, its amazing. I really wanted to hang it (and I still may), but the only thing above the window is crown molding and I really don't want to split it and have to repair it!
For now, I'll settle for it being right where it is. But it could change by the time I get home this afternoon!

The couch is facing the fantastic woodburning fireplace.
And I tried to take a normal decent picture, but the fat dog refused to move.
He just splayed out on the couch and ignored me.
And as you can see, he takes up the whole couch.

As the house starts to become more organized and homey, I'll upload some more!

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