
Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's a Small World

After all.

And no, I'm not referring to that annoying ride at Disney World. You know, the repetitive music, the incredibly long wait in line just to see what the fuss is all about. 

And I do apologize if that song is now forever imprinted into your brain.
So sorry.

And now, back to the point. 
Last night I received an email about a potential client wanting me to take some engagement photos. While reading the email, I was thinking, "I think I like this couple, they seem fun to work with." The email, of course, asked the basic questions: location, price, outfits, etc...

I almost hit the reply button, that is, until I saw something else written at the bottom of the email.

"I noticed that you have an English Mastiff. We have one too!"
My heart pretty much stopped beating.
A fellow dog lover?
A fellow Mastiff lover?
Me = excited!

But folks, that's not the half of it. 
Insert small world reference.
Due to some Facebook/blog stalking, this potential client and I realized that our pups are brothers!
Norman from the first litter and Grizz, their pup, from Minnie and Moose's second litter. 

So, not only do these folks love Mastiffs like me, they have a brother, an actual biological brother to my Norman.

If y'all can't sense my excitement, trust me, I'm doing a happy dance! Like a Friday meets a long holiday weekend plus payday sort of happy dance.


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