In my opinion as a blogger and photographer, anyone putting a photo online anywhere should use a watermark. Like everything you put out into the world, your watermark represents your brand. Use it with style.
In photography, a watermark is a recognizable icon or text on a photo to identify the original owner or photographer. Just because you have a watermark on a photo, doesn’t protect your image from someone taking it or from a client printing and framing it. But it can be a great way to let potential clients know who took the photo.
If you have amazing photos, but a horrible watermark, all eyes will go to your ugly watermark first and your talent last. If your watermark is huge, busy and practically over someone’s face, do you really think your client will want to share that image with their friends? I have been told by several people that they would never show anyone the photos their photographer sent to them to share with friends because of the tacky watermark.
You are promoting your brand through your photography, not your logo. Do you really think someone hires you based on your logo? My guess is they hire you based on you and your photography talent.
And here's basically the same photo with the watermark moved and downsized. Which one would you rather share with family and friends?
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