
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever looked at a photo and thought, "Wow that looks amazing, and effortless."
Let me state, it's never effortless.
Photographers work their asses off.
We get in odd positions just to get the shot.
Laying on the floor, gravel, or every other uncomfortable surface you can imagine.
Case in point, below.
(And it's blurry, and I do apologize, but I knew the moment wouldn't last long and didn't have time to change lenses!)
 Mama is rubbing baby's belly to soothe him and is steadily talking to him. Daddy has the hair dryer, moving it sporadically to get baby happy and warm.
Awkward looking photo, yes.
But now, look at the photos below.
Do they awkward, or effortless?
Hopefully, you'll say effortless!