Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catching Up

Casa a la Skelton finally has Internet! Thank you Comcast for finally get off your lazy bum and installing our Internet...I got scared of mooching off of Frank's :)
We've been busy.
Norman is growing like a weed.
And he's a genius.
Norman sit.
Norman shake.
Norman down.
(Lays down)
Norman come.
(walks over)
Norman is definitely like his mama and daddy. Motivated by food.
Hey man, whatever works.
In our house, it's Scooby Snacks.
Norman on a car ride. He decided he didn't want to be alone in the back anymore. So he did this, and then proceeded to jump up front with us. He's 70 pounds. He's a horse. There was not enough room, sorry Norm.

And this was the day that Norman learned to get on the bed by himself.
Such a big boy.
Car ride! The video is nothing really, just that the wind kept catching Norm's eyelids and opening them wide open...Borderline freaky.
I've been around guns my whole life. I actually like them and enjoy shooting them - at non moving targets. At the ripe old age of 28, I killed something. A helpless little dove. Lord, forgive me.
One shot took him out of the sky and the second sky ended his little life.
But in all fairness, he was devoured as a meal later, so I'm not feeling super guilty.
A busy weekend is ahead, engagements late Thursday evening and a wedding on Saturday, so keep checking for updates!!

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