Saturday, August 11, 2012

Homemade doughnuts: Day 1

My Saturday started out with coffee and a nice breeze blowing on the patio. Then I decided to watch the new episode of the Pioneer Woman. Big mistake! Especially when you have a 13 year old living with you. This morning, Ree decided to make homemade doughnuts. Upon watching the episode, Emma and I decided we wanted to make homemade doughnuts.
Damn you Pioneer Woman.

The Cast of Characters:
1 and 1/8 cup of milk, warm
1/4 cups sugar
2 and 1/4 teaspoons (one package) Instant or Active Dry Yeast
2 whole large eggs, beaten
1 and 1/4 stick unsalted butter, melted
4 cups all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoons salt

And the amazing thing was, I had all the ingredients, except for the yeast, and also, my kitchen is lacking a doughnut cutter. So, I ventured to Wal-Mart. Searched and searched in vain. No go. Our Goodwill is located right next to Wal-Mart, worth a shot, right? Nope. It was packed, and not a single doughnut cutter was found. Drats :(

Onto the Bed Bath and Beyond. I politely asked for assistance from a customer service person. I was told, "Sorry ma'am, we have biscuit cutters, but no doughnut cutters. We can order one for you."

Shoot. Guess I'll just buy the biscuit cutter and make do.

To Make the Dough:

1.  Make sure the milk is nice and warm, but not overly hot.

2.  Add sugar to the milk.

3.  Add yeast into small bowl.

4.  Pour milk/sugar mixture over yeast. Stir gently, then let sit for 10 minutes.

5.  Melt butter in a separate bowl until butter is almost melted. Stir to finish melting so butter won't be overly hot. 6.  Add beaten eggs to the melted butter, stirring constantly to make sure the butter's not too hot for the eggs.

And on a side note: while making the homemade dough, Emma decides to make mac and cheese. And forgot to add water.
And caught the microwave on fire.
And almost burned down the house.
Remember kids, when making easy Mac, please add water.
And now, back to the case at hand.

7.  Add the egg/butter mixture to the bowl of an electric mixture fitted with a dough hook.
8.  With the mixer on 3 or medium speed, pour in the yeast mixture.
9.  Allow the dough hook to stir this mixture for a couple of minutes, making sure it's thoroughly combined.

10.  With the mixer still going, add helping of the flour in 1/4 to 1/2 cup increments until all the flour is gone.

11.  Stop the mixer, scrape the bowl, then turn the mixer on the same speed for five whole minutes.
12.  After five minutes, stop the mixer and scrape the bottom of the bowl.
13.  Turn on the mixer for 30 seconds.

14.  Turn off the mixer and allow the dough to sit in the bowl undisturbed for 10 minutes.

15.  After 10 minutes, transfer dough to a lightly oiled bowl. Toss the dough to coat, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place straight in the fridge.
Looks like dough to me!
Stay tuned for part two...when the doughnuts are actually made.
Did I mention the homemade glaze?

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