Thursday, July 12, 2012


Few things in life are certain; except death and taxes.
And Twinkies. We've all (hopefully) heard that Twinkies have some sort of preservative in them that makes them virtually indestructible. They are one of the few things that I personally thought would survive the Apocalypse; along with Cher and cockroaches.

Well, if you're like me, then we were wrong. Twinkies can go bad :(
Tay and I unknowingly performed an experiment on our box of Twinkies.
How did two adults come by a box of Twinkies, you ask?
Severe hunger paired with a impromptu trip to Kroger.
"Oh look Twinkies, I haven't had one in forever, let's get em!"

We rush home, unload the unnecessary groceries, and both dive head first into the box of Twinkies.
After one bite, I decided that my adult pallet has an extreme aversion to Twinkies.
Tay's pallet agreed. Our childhood favorite is now something nasty that neither one of us could ever fathom eating again.

The box stays in the pantry, they are good forever after all.
Until yesterday, an unlucky person in our house decided she wanted a Twinkie. She ate half of it and then noticed the funk growing on the other end. We run to empty the box, tainted Twinkies.

So the moral of the story, Twinkies don't last forever.
We have been misinformed

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