Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Norm and the new camera lens

One of the lenses I ordered the other day came in! Hooray. Thank you Nikon. It's a Nikon AF 50mm F/1.8D. And it was refurbished by Nikon; which means that I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for it. The reason I love the lens? It works great in low light situations. If the below photos would have been taken with my kit lens; the flash would have fired (I hate flash!) or even if it wouldn't, the photos would have been too dark. These were taken about 5:30 PM; blinds barely opened and look, they look so bright. This lens is also very sharp and produces sharp images. Another great thing about this lens? It works with any Nikon. Yes ANY!! Old school film or the modern digital. I call that a win win.

But, this lens also has a bit of a learning curve with it. It is manual focus. There is no auto focus on it. But judging from the below photos, I think I'm getting the hang of the whole no auto focus thing.

The Progression of a Nap

Norm decided it was nap time and crawled under the dining room table. I put the new lens on the camera and crawled under there with him. This shot is straight out of camera (SOOC).

Same photo edited with the Slight Sharpen Action from the Pioneer Woman

His droopy eyes are getting more droopy. Once again, SOOC.

Edited with the Pioneer Woman's Fresh and Colorful Action.

SOOC, starting to go cross-eyed.

Fresh and Colorful Action by the Pioneer Woman.

And now it's full on nap time! SOOC.

Napping, edited using Pioneer Woman's Boost Action.
SOOC. I'm up mama! Let's go outside!
Edited using Pioneer Woman's Boost Action.

SOOC. Mama got hot and had to go inside. But I was still snapping pictures of my big Norm.

Edited using Pioneer Woman's Boost Action.

And now, just my Norm. Looking like such a big pup.

If you like the Pioneer Woman's actions; you can download them here:

But remember, these actions are tweaked for PSE. If you have full blown photoshop, you need to download the Photoshop ones, and not the Elements version!

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